Tag Archives: freebies!

Twilight ‘medieval’: Red Riding Hood

E4 offers free monthly previews of upcoming films they, as a corporation, deem student-y fare under the ‘Slackers Club’ banner. It’s a pretty fantastic idea as it gets butts into seats on otherwise quite nights. I have but one problem with this rather cunning enterprise: so far it’s been a completely mixed bag. From what I can remember these are some of the offerings: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Submarine, The Wolfman (2011), Get Him to the Greek, a marathon of the first season of The Misfits, Burke and Hare and most recently, Catherine Hardwicke’s Red Riding Hood.1 1 The films with links to IMDB are the ones I ended up seeing. This is not at all indicative of my preference seeing how I cannot seem to pass on the opportunity to see a free film, more on that later.  Continue reading